Home / User Contributed Macros

User Contributed Macros

Macros helps in automating our tasks, add custom features and even create complex applications. So why not there should not be a standard resource to share macros within the spreadsheet development community! Therefore, this page is purely meant to contribute and share macros between spreadsheet developers.

Contributing your Macro:

Any user willing to contribute his/her macro can add their macro code by following the 5 steps mentioned below:

  1. Click the Create New Page link seen on the left hand side of this page.
  2. Provide a relevant page name for the macro to be submitted and click Create.
  3. Inside the newly displayed page, provide a small description about the macro like what it does and how it may be beneficial.
  4. Now to insert the code, click on style drop-down and set the style as "Formatted".
  5. Paste the corresponding code and click the Save button.

All your macro code can be edited by any registered Zoho user. Also, all registered Zoho users are requested not to infringe on other's macros.


Search for a Macro:

Users who are in need of valuable and useful macros, can search by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Browse through the links displayed under User Contributed Macros (seen under Navigate pages section).
  2. Copy the desired macro code from the respective pages.
  3. Paste it inside your spreadsheet application's VBA Editor (available under Zoho Sheet and Excel)

You can also use the Search bar at the top to search for specific macros.

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