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Copy Sheet Data

When you want to copy any sheet data to the newly created sheet with some condition then Copy the following code and paste into "ThisWorkbook" in the VBA Macro Editor. Change the condition text and Column number with respective to your data.
Private m_szPath As String

Private Function UChartoChar(ByVal strVal As String) As String
Dim strRes As String
'hyperlabel(unicode pur) vers utf 8
strRes = StrConv(strVal, vbFromUnicode)

UChartoChar = strRes
End Function
Private Function ChartoUChar(ByVal strVal As String) As String
Dim strRes As String
'utf8 vers hyperlabel(unicode pur)
strRes = StrConv(strVal, vbUnicode)

ChartoUChar = strRes
End Function
Private Function PrintLine(ByRef FileSource As Scripting.TextStream, ByVal nRow As Integer) As Integer
Dim nColumn As Integer
Dim nRes As Integer
Dim strName As String
Dim strVal As String

nColumn = 1
While Cells(1, nColumn).Value <> ""
strVal = ChartoUChar(Cells(nRow, nColumn).Value)
If nColumn > 1 Then FileSource.Write ChartoUChar(";")
FileSource.Write strVal
'strName = ChartoUChar(Cells(1, nColumn).Value)
'strVal = ChartoUChar(Cells(nRow, nColumn).Value)
'nRes = HLBDLL_SetObjectValue(nDocID, strName, strVal)
nColumn = nColumn + 1
FileSource.Write ChartoUChar(Chr(13))
FileSource.Write ChartoUChar(Chr(10))

PrintLine = nRes
End Function

Private Sub ButtonCancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Function IsRowEmpty(ByVal nRow As Integer) As Integer
Dim nRes As Integer
Dim nColumn As Integer
Dim strVal As String

nRes = 0
nColumn = 1
While Cells(1, nColumn).Value <> "" And nRes <> 1
If Cells(nRow, nColumn).Value <> "" Then
nRes = 1
End If
nColumn = nColumn + 1

IsRowEmpty = nRes
End Function

Private Sub ButtonPrint_Click()
Dim nRes As Integer
Dim nRowID As Integer
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject 'il faut ajouter dans les réferences Microsoft scripting runtime
Dim FileSource As Scripting.TextStream
Dim bContinu As Integer

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FileSource = fso.CreateTextFile(m_szPath)

nRes = PrintLine(FileSource, 1)

nRowID = 2
bContinu = IsRowEmpty(nRowID)
While bContinu
nRes = PrintLine(FileSource, nRowID)
nRowID = nRowID + 1
bContinu = IsRowEmpty(nRowID)

Set fso = Nothing
Set FileSource = Nothing

MsgBox ("Les données ont été envoyées")

End Sub

Private Sub Quitter_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub TextBoxCurrentDir_Change()
m_szPath = TextBoxCurrentDir.Value
SaveSetting "DataToScreen", "Setting", "Directory", TextBoxCurrentDir.Value
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim bRes As Boolean
Dim strCurSheet As String
Dim strPrinter As String
Dim nRow As Integer
Dim nRes As Integer
Dim nIndice, i As Integer
Dim strPrinters As String * 1024
Dim nPrinter As String

strCurSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
m_szPath = GetSetting("DataToScreen", "Setting", "Directory", "c:\")
If m_szPath = "" Then m_szPath = "c:\"
TextBoxCurrentDir.Value = m_szPath

Exit Sub

Exit Sub

End Sub

    Zoho Sheet Admin  12 Jan 2012 
    oreverb posted:
    I think row_index = 1 is not needed on line 13 since it is set in the For loop.

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