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Delete Duplicate Rows

Select the column that contains duplicate entries and run the following macro.

  1. Public Sub DeleteDuplicateRows()

  2. Dim rowIndex,rowCount,columnIndex As Long
  3. Dim value As Variant
  4. Dim testRange As Range

  5. rowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count    
  6. columnIndex = ActiveCell.Column                                     'Column that contains duplicates

  7. Set testRange = Range(cells(1,columnIndex), cells(rowCount, columnIndex))

  8.     For rowIndex = rowCount To 2 Step -1                            'Iterating from bottom to retain first occurrence
  10.         value = testRange.Cells(rowIndex, 1).Value
  12.         If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(testRange.Columns(1), value) > 1 Then
  13.             testRange.Rows(rowIndex).EntireRow.Delete          'deletes duplicate rows
  14.         End If
  16.     Next rowIndex
  18. End Sub

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