Use the following macro to insert the selected cells and move the existing cells towards down.
Public Sub insertSelectedCells()
Selection.Insert shift:=xlDown
End Sub
Use the following macro to insert the selected cells and move the existing cell towards right.
Public Sub insertSelectedCells()
Selection.Insert shift:=xlShiftToRight
End Sub
Use the following macros to copy the selected cells and paste into the selected range by inserting new cells.
Dim copyRange As Range
Sub copyCells()
Set copyRange = Selection
End Sub
Sub insertCopiedCells()
Dim selAdr As String
selAdr = Selection.Address
If copyRange.Rows.Count=Selection.Rows.count And copyRange.Columns.count = Selection.Columns.count Then
Selection.Insert shift:=xlDown
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range(selAdr)
Msgbox "The content copied is bigger than the range selected."
End If
End Sub
you should let anyone interested know how to use your set of procedures (macros), but since you didn't I'll try.
1-select the cell OR range (group of contiguous cells) that contain what you would like to insert at a different position in your spreadsheet. RUN "copyCells" (the first macro in the group)
2-go to where you want to insert the above mentioned data, and run "insertCopiedCells" the second macro.
now, why bother with the first macro why not a regular copy OR ctrl+C ?